
Invest in Kobe!
Why UK firms are drawn to the port city
Two-way street
Bilateral UK–Japan FDI flows both ways
Beyond the Bright Lights
It may have the bright lights, skyscrapers and 24-hour energy that accompanies a capital city, but Tokyo doesn’t have it all.
Buying Real Estate in Japan
Japan was the world’s second-largest economy for more than 40 years, until it was overtaken by China in 2010. After the early 1990s, Japan experienced what some have called a lost decade, during which time the economy stagnated and growth was substantially lower than before.
Who is a Professional Investor in Japan?
In many jurisdictions, the financial regulations that apply to transactions involving professional investors tend to be more moderate than those applying to transactions not involving professional investors. This is also true in Japan.
The New Tokyo Pro-Bond Market
The TOKYO PRO-BOND Market, a debt-securities exchange market for professional investors, was set up in May 2011 by Tokyo AIM (Alternative Investment Market), Inc.Effects of Earthquake on the Australian Dollar and Yen
Japan’s importance to Australia is undoubted, as it is the country’s second-largest market after China, taking 19% of exports. Disruption to Japan’s economy might, therefore, be seen as a short term negative for Australia.
Put Your Performance into Perspective
We all know that investing typically requires a long-term approach when markets are in turmoil, as they are now, but it’s easy to lose that perspective and focus on what’s happening over the short term. It can be reassuring, though, to understand how the stock market has behaved historically.
Time to Buy into Japan?
Japan has been in a bear market for nearly 20 years. With a stock market index at one quarter of its 1989 value, it looks as though the world’s second-largest economy may soon lose that place to China.