I am delighted that we have had such a tremendously positive response to BCCJ ACUMEN. I constantly run into people who say they feel it gets better every issue. And I must confess that is my impression, too. By which I do not mean to blow my own trumpet. My part in the overall scheme of things is very small indeed. But having in the past served as editor and producer of a couple of community-oriented publications, I know at first hand just how much work goes into every level of making something as professional as ACUMEN.
We are fortunate that our partners at Custom Media are the ultimate professionals, in editorial and quality control as well as in design and layout. Their standing in the local freelance community is such that they can call on the very best writers and photographers to provide the finest content you’ll find in any magazine of its type around town. Plus, the fact that their highly professional sales team is selling space in the only publication that reaches all BCCJ Members (in addition, of course, to thousands of other readers) gives them a clear advantage in helping you reach your target audience.
One of the other things that people have commented on is the Daily Media Highlights, posted in the Members-only section of our website, which BCCJ Members receive. The Highlights, comprising a brief daily summary of what the Japanese press is saying about issues of interest, comes to the BCCJ office as a rough translation generously provided by the British Embassy Tokyo. One of my first tasks each morning is to polish the summary and send it to Members (who can opt to unsubscribe). Generally speaking, the feedback has been positive; for those who can’t read the Japanese papers it’s a way of seeing at a glance the main issues of the day.
Are there other similar services that you would like us to provide? We already have the political insights of Kreab Gavin Anderson in the “Political Scene” emails and occasional ACUMEN pieces, but perhaps there are other areas you’d like us to explore. If so, please let us know. An e-mail or a phone call to the office. Or perhaps a letter to the editor in ACUMEN. It is, after all, your community magazine.