July 2015

Leading the world in low-carbon vehicles
UK innovation sparks business interest and FDI
GREAT British tradition and innovation
A special showcase at HM the Queen’s Birthday Party
A nation of innovators
Britain leads in cutting-edge technology
The lifeblood of the BCCJ
Sharing event feedback and intel
Gearing up for mega sporting events
Street rugby and VIP speakers find welcome audience
Quality and prestige make impact at MAST Asia
UK firms display at Japan’s first defence exhibition
Appealing to early adopters
Briton leads first face-recognition home video camera into Japan market
Reflecting on five years at UKTI
Abenomics, Tokyo 2020 and new partnerships
Making the world sustainable
Unilever Japan supports campaign for firms to solve global problems
How to draw tourists to Japan?
Six pillars to help visitors
Youth bring energy to market entry plans
JMEC creates practical business approach for firms
Trials of IT hiring
How to understand the sector in Japan
Offering new solutions in the IT sector
Specialist profile: Dan Takagi
New frontiers bring new risks
Expert solutions required for Japanese firms
Making newspaper inserts work for business

Play nice at work

Prime minister’s questions
Abe stirs up controversy, Cameron faces a challenge
Walking and talking to save lives
Programme reaches out to those who need support
Student life through the eyes of royalty
Princess Akiko explores her time at Oxford
Security in the age of the Internet of Things

Men feel more pressure from work than do women
