Publicity November 2016

A social MBA in the age of “Technovate”

New course options prepare executives for the future

Since its founding in 1992, GLOBIS University has established itself as one of Japan’s leading business schools. What started off as a single marketing class taught by founder and President Yoshito Hori in a rented classroom in downtown Tokyo has now become Japan’s largest business school, with students from all over the world and a powerful alumni network throughout Japan and Asia.

Highly flexible and convenient, GLOBIS offers a range of MBA programs entirely in English to meet your study needs. Students can choose to study full-time at the Tokyo Campus, or part-time on campus and online. Before entering the MBA, there is also the possibility to test drive the MBA through individual, for-credit MBA courses offered in the unique Pre-MBA Program.

Located in the heart of Japan, it’s hard not to be aware of up and coming technological wonders. In the face of this technological revolution, GLOBIS is continuously developing and integrating “Technovate” courses into its MBA programme. As the name—a combination of “technology” and “innovation”—suggests, these are tech-focused courses designed to equip business leaders for the future, covering topics such as data-driven marketing and strategic cybersecurity. Courses on IoT (the Internet of Things), artificial intelligence and other tech-related subjects are planned for the future.

GLOBIS offers unique courses that allow students to develop soft skills, which are becoming increasingly essential in today’s rapidly evolving business world. Examples include the “Cross-cultural Management” class aimed at helping students leverage cultural diversity in business, as well as the highly unique “Keiei Dojo” course, which focuses on how to engage others and focus their mind and body so that they can effectively put their ideas into practice. A very good balance of Western and Eastern management philosophies is one of the key features of a GLOBIS MBA.

GLOBIS offers a vast global network of business professionals from a diverse range of backgrounds. Through these life-long connections, students are exposed to different industries, cultures and ideas, which helps drive more innovative thinking.

The GLOBIS MBA also helps students develop a strong sense of mission, so that the value they create after graduation benefits not just themselves, but the society around them. By developing their personal mission (or kokorozashi) throughout the MBA, GLOBIS graduates come out with not just new skills and a powerful network, but more focus in their careers.

Find out more about our leading international MBA program by joining one of our regular Open Campuses, or by arranging an individual consultation.

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