Health May 2016

Anti-ageing medicine

The mouth is an integral part of our bodies. It enables us to speak, breathe, feed ourselves and express emotions. The connections between the mouth and the rest of the body are multiple, and a holistic approach is to consider them as connected and reflective of each other.

For example, the actions of chewing and swallowing are connected to the cerebral cortex, and recent research suggests that there is a link between chewing and forming memories. Similarly, chewing and swallowing promote increased blood flow to the brain and increase the body’s overall metabolism.

The connection between dentistry and other areas of medicine continue to be uncovered. For example, doctors have recently started testing cells from the mucous membranes that line our mouths to look for signs of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other illnesses.

Practitioners of oral anti-ageing medicine say that the path to longevity starts with a healthy mouth, and this is no exaggeration. A body cannot work to its fullest potential if the mouth is not healthy; a person’s quality of life will invariably be affected if there are untreated problems.

For those in dentistry, it is important to take precautions to make sure these complications do not arise in the first place, thus improving the quality of life of patients. This includes treatment to help prevent issues such as tooth loss, disease, bad breath and taste disorders.

If your mouth starts to age, the rest of your body will notice. Promote longevity by keeping the mouth healthy.

Heavy metal and ageing

Heavy metals, such as platinum, gold, silver, copper and mercury are potentially harmful to the body and can accumulate, even in small quantities.

For over 100 years, dentists used mercury and other metals in the materials with which they treated their patients. We now know that, unfortunately, these metals oxidise easily and may dissolve in saliva, turning into free radicals and leading to problems.

Nowadays, dentists no longer use these materials, but there are still many patients who have older fillings that contain these metals. They may be experiencing health problems, unaware that the root cause of them is in their mouth.

To address this issue, it is possible to look at a patient’s hair for traces of heavy metals. If imbalances are found, a special diet and/or dietary supplements can help restore the body’s natural balance. These metals can also be removed via a person’s urine by using a combination of a special diet and amino acids, lactoferrin and chelation therapy, all of which help eliminate heavy metals.

Older fillings can be replaced with ceramic and hybrid ones, which are perfectly safe.