Publisher August 2013

British Business Awards: Artist, Judge, Nominations

With violinist Diana Yukawa’s British Airways ticket from London to Tokyo confirmed for her performance at the BCCJ 2013 British Business Awards (BBA), it’s also a pleasure to announce that Michael Woodford MBE, the whistle-blower, has kindly agreed to be a judge at the annual black tie event, on 1 November at the Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo.

Guests are advised to book early, as the eight-seat corporate tables are now available on a first-come, first-served basis.
And the BBA award categories have also been confirmed, with nominations now open via the BCCJ website:

• Company of the Year
• Entrepreneur of the Year
• UK–Japan Partnership
• Community Contribution
• Person of the Year
• Global Talent Award

Join us to help celebrate the BCCJ’s 65th anniversary in an evening of business excellence featuring:

• A GREAT British dinner with superb wines
• Spectacular entertainment by Diana Yukawa
• MCs Guy Perryman and Maddie (InterFM)
• Fabulous selection of door prizes
• Awards presented by Ambassador Tim Hitchens

Reader response
With more than 250 comments, and still counting, we had a record number of responses to “Exiled from Home” (July issue, page 25), about new immigration laws that hinder some Britons from taking their foreign spouse to live in the UK.

Also pleasing is that most comments on the Japan Today website, which reproduced the story, slam the immigration rules—rather than the writer or other commentators, as is too often the case.

Finally, just before this issue went to print, BCCJ Executive Director Lori Henderson MBE appeared on BBC radio. If you missed it, here’s the podcast, with Lori’s interview starting at about 29:00: