Publicity Jan / Feb 2022

The new school in town

Confidence to communicate, language to lead

We were delighted to open our doors in August 2021, providing another option for parents in Tokyo seeking a British prep school. To complement the national curriculum, Phoenix House has placed oracy at the centre of learning. Children have a dedicated lesson each week, learning to more confidently articulate and express themselves, and many will be entered for public speaking exams later in the year through the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts.

The difference a blazer makes 

School uniform is an important aspect of British school life, and is one of the ways Phoenix House helps children develop self-confidence. We believe that a uniform helps  to unite a school. Pupils make a commitment when they put on their uniform to abide by our rules and expectations. Our approach to the school uniform reinforces our school’s culture of high expectations and academic achievement. We even enjoyed trying on the blazers ourselves! 

Inspiring teachers maketh a school 

With more than 1,000 applicants for our teaching positions in 2021, we were able to assemble a group of highly inspirational educators who have willingly rolled up their sleeves to launch our new school. With small classes the teachers make sure every child makes progress both academically and socially. 

For those seeking an insight into the quality of teaching and learning life at Phoenix House, I recommend you follow @headofphoenixhouse on Instagram. There you can browse around our recent Online Art Gallery, or take up the challenge of the Year 6 App-Rentice computing project. 

Language rich 

Bilingualism and multilingualism are celebrated and encouraged at Phoenix House. The recent introduction of French and Spanish Clubs delivered by the Institut Français and Instituto Cervantes, plus the school’s new Latin Club, mean that children can add breadth to their language repertoire. 

Hokkaido connection 

North Peak, our wonderful outdoor enrichment centre in Hokkaido, is designed to complement our academic ambition, giving children the opportunity to find their talents and absorb them into their emerging character. Travelling regularly together to North Peak, to transfer learning from our busy urban setting to the verdant campus, is a highlight throughout the school year. Indeed, it is a perfect location to develop independence and complete aspects of our Junior Duke Award programme. 

Oak, Snowdon, Rothesay, Windsor 

Our new houses are already much loved. House membership comes with the responsibility both to contribute and commit to encouraging the achievement of others. It is an excellent opportunity for our youngest children to be inspired by our oldest, as the latter experience senior leadership roles. 

Friday mornings, when the house point scores are announced, is a highly anticipated time in the week. So far, the totals have been close; but who will prevail to take the House Trophy at the end of the year? 


Those who have already met Claire Fletcher, head of school, will undoubtedly agree that her energy, commitment and ambition for Phoenix House know no bounds. True to her word, her office door is always open to pupils, staff and parents, and you can always find her in the morning at the front gate greeting the community with a beaming smile—come rain, sun or snow! Fletcher is busy building a rigorous yet warm and kind community with high expectations, not least through assembling and nurturing her glittering staff.

Road ahead 

Despite being a new school, plans for development are already afoot. Parents and pupils should expect to see the following. 

  • New classes opening, increasing the school’s capacity for children to join learning life at Phoenix House 
  • Expanding enrichment opportunities in Tokyo and Hokkaido 
  • Growing musical talent
  • Extended opportunities for sports, arts and languages 

Fundamentally, the community increasingly should expect to see kind, informed, confident children rushing to school, proudly donning their Phoenix House blazers. 

You are warmly invited to come and visit. We love to talk!

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