December 2011

Wagyu Hybrid Raises the Steaks
A hybrid beef, made using Japanese beef (wagyu), is now exclusively available at a London supermarket. The meat, sold at low prices, is the result of a three-year breeding programme, the Mainichi Shimbun reported on 29 November.
More than a Mission
The Japanese fashion market has challenges and quirks, but it is one place in which British firms taking part in the recent UK Trade & Investment mission here most definitely want to be.
Wembley Hosts Tohoku Teens
A group of Tohoku high school footballers arrived in Britain to play at Wembley Stadium, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported on 23 November.News in Brief
Your monthly digest of UK-Japan news.『BCCJ ACUMEN』Volume 2 / Issue 12のまとめ

Globe Traveller Arrives in Chiba
An Englishwoman attempting a solo voyage around the world by bike and kayak arrived at Choshi-shi, Chiba Prefecture, the Mainichi Shimbun reported on 19 November.
Market Access and More
He says it with a twinkle in his eye, so you know that Intralink is not seriously looking at opening an office in Pyongyang in the immediate future.
How to Make Your Projects Work in Japan
Often it is said that global project management is a difficult task, “global” here meaning the project membership is cross-national, which requires a high level of internal collaboration.
Why I’m Staying in Japan
When firms search for the right country in which to invest, many considerations come to the fore: corporate governance, logistics, legal issues, IP protection, security, education, available skills, politics and social stability.
World’s Bus Operators Want Hybrid Motors
A fleet of 27 hybrid electric versions of London’s famous red buses has just completed 1mn miles of “clean, reliable revenue service”, thanks to BAE Systems’ technology that is also being used by some buses in Japan, according to a 26 October London Press Service report.
Cycling Challenges Golf’s Old Guard
After battling back from an injury that could have completely derailed his road-race cycling ambitions, James Machin is keen to develop the sport here in Japan even further.
Night at the Opera
The 1960s saw the gradual reemergence of Japan onto the world stage as post-war efforts to rebuild the nation increasingly focused attention on metropolitan Tokyo.
Forty Years of Queen
“Queen Forever”, organised by Universal Music, was held at Tokyo Tower from 23 November to 11 December.
The secret of a great bar or restaurant—to which people want to return time and time again—according to John Watkins, is creating a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, providing a wide selection of reasonably priced food and drinks, and leaving the music selection to the younger members of staff.
Record Prices for Art
The world records for inro (nested boxes) and netsuke (miniature carvings) sold at auction were broken in the sale of the Harriet Szechenyi Collection of Japanese Art that took place at Bonhams in London on 8 November, according to
Extra Red Tape
If you’ve tried to open a yen corporate bank account for a newly registered entity this year, you may have realised that the process takes longer and has become more bureaucratic, with obligations harder to meet for some firms.
The first thing that struck me about the Dyson hot+cool AM04, which recently hit the Japan market, is its trendy design—just like the firm’s other fans (all with Air Multiplier technology) and its popular line of stylish vacuum cleaners.
Chemistry between Two Countries
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) opened an office in Ochanomizu, Tokyo on 1 November, with Chief Executive Dr Robert Parker using the occasion to call on the British government to follow in the steps of Japan by increasing spending on the sciences to drive economic growth.
What Children of the Future Need from Schools
How are schools preparing children for the future—when change will be rapid and technological innovation even more so? What jobs will exist?
Power of PR
With a falling population and fading growth opportunities at home, many Japanese firms will have to expand operations abroad to prosper in the long term.
From Clapton to The Bongolian, Muse, The Rolling Stones, Beverley Moore, Neon Plastix and even Susan Boyle, British music rocks.
Our Last Trip to Ishinomaki for 2011
Upon becoming executive director on 1 February, I would have struggled to pinpoint Ishinomaki on a map; in the nine months since the 11 March disasters, the city—where more than 3,000 residents died and some 2,700 are still missing—has become an indelible part of the BCCJ landscape.
That Was the Year That Was …
The year 2011 will go down in the annals of history for many things, including natural and financial disasters. It also saw, however, new beginnings such as the re-invigoration of the BCCJ under the stewardship of new Executive Director Lori Henderson, who came on board in February.
BCCJ ACUMEN Survey Results
It’s either bravery or folly to survey your flagship product and publish the results. But here goes.