September 2018

Triumphs and travails
Student-turned-master gets lesson in niche marketing
Japanese investment
And cultural and sporting links around the UK
A mixed month
Brexit, education and more from memory lane
Competitive edge
How rugby and same-sex marriages can support Japan’s globalisation
A sporting chance
How the Rugby World Cup is bringing life to Japan
Sir Hugh Cortazzi GCMG
Love of notes and coins …
… keeps the Japanese brain awake
Looking to the future
The British School in Tokyo
Global minds
Why people in Japan are choosing international schools
Bright futures in Britain
Aoba-Japan International School
Recent history of the BCCJ
In pictures
Give Hearts for Life
How TELL is marking World Mental Health Day
The art of negotiating
Pablo Restrepo of Negotiation by Design
The UK’s image before and after Brexit
How Japan viewed the UK pre- and post- referendum
Nikko’s Victorian legacy
Tea and scones served at 19th century British villa
Year-round comfort
Ascott Marunouchi Tokyo celebrates its first birthday
Positive soul
Talking to Bluey of Incognito