The Video GaugeTM is set up to measure a material sample.
Expertise from Japan partners and distributors
Some 85% of Imetrum Ltd.’s sales of their Video GaugeTM precision measuring system are to overseas markets, so it was perhaps only a matter of time before the Bristol-based firm set its sights on Japan’s high-tech sector.
Despite only just entering the Japanese market—in tandem with a local distributor, Nippon BARNES Company Ltd.—the firm is convinced there is potential to make Japan a very significant contributor to its bottom line.
Tim Hawes, sales manager at Imetrum, says the business’s operations are already thriving in France, Germany, South Korea, China, the United States and India.
Opening up the Japanese market, however, could add to overall turnover by as much as 15% over the next five years.
“At present, Japan is a brand new market for us, with which we have no previous trading history”, said Hawes.
A full version of this article can be read at www.exporttojapan.co.uk