April 2018

Energy to expand
UK firms see greater chance in Japan
Busy week in April
And much more in store
Inside 1 Ichiban-cho
It’s people who make places
Innovation hub
Stay ahead of the times
Working together
Benefits and challenges of partnership
From farm to fork
Healthy, heritage and high prices help sell UK food and drink here
A class above
Airlines team up to go the extra mile for business travellers
Yes, Prime Minister?
Moritomogate looks like BBC comedy
Pledge for parity
International Women’s Day event outlines barriers at work
Flying high
Finnair cements its place as a leader in Europe–Japan travel
Executive Fight Night VIII
Fighting for Fighters
Turning the page
Old issues of BCCJ magazine reveal evolution of UK–Japan ties
The kids are alright
How the British School in Tokyo gives its students a voice
Gonged for good work
Queen’s honour for long-serving worker at the British Embassy Tokyo
Bloomin’ genius!
Can Japan’s dapper master of small spaces be best at Chelsea show again?