January 2014

Pension Pots Under Attack
The UK's new rules effectively mean you can save less for your retirement, may have to retire later and, if you save too much, you will be heavily taxed.
Eco-friendly Palm Oil Gets a Boost
Large manufacturers are starting to recognise the importance of using sustainable palm oil sources.
Feng Shui for 2014
Here are the leading predictions for this Year of the Wood Horse, including the strong presence of the Fire element.
Passport Changes for UK Citizens
Applications and renewals should now be submitted online by visiting www.gov.uk/overseas-passports.
Making the Most of Membership
Are you and your company taking advantage of the free seats at BCCJ events for Entrepreneur, Corporate, Corporate Plus and Platinum members?
Wider Reach, Same Values
The British Broadcasting Corporation remains committed to the core values of trust, integrity and story-telling.
A Task for Which No One Is Qualified
The list of attributes that are required of a non-executive director (NED) is long and contradictory.
Secret Pop Star
A make-up artist from the London borough of Bromley who is relatively unknown at home has risen to stardom in Japan.
Record Sales to Foreign Travellers
Heathrow Airport expected record sales during the Christmas season, in large part from purchases of Scotch whisky by Japanese travellers.
Saitama Champ at Brands Hatch
A rider from Saitama has signed with the Buildbase BMW Motorrad team for the 2014 British Superbike Championship.
UK arts events in Japan
news in brief
Your monthly digest of UK-Japan news
Book reviews
The Road to Recovery; Three-Dimensional Reading
what you missed in the japanese press
Car Dealers Host English Lessons; Debate on Lower Adult Age; Baby Boomers Seen as Top Marketing Target; 2013 Product Ranks
From Prisoner to President
I have always felt that, if I could have met one person in my life, it would have been Nelson Mandela.
A British Education for Tomorrow’s World
Students today need to be balanced, resilient, inquisitive, thoughtful, independent, self-assured and honest.
Can Depression Be Treated with Acupuncture?
A recent study suggests acupuncture may have a positive effect on those suffering from depression.
2014 New Year Message
Trade, investment, research and development—these are the ways in which the UK and Japan can have sustainable growth going forward.
Alive and Kicking
Currently just over 9% of our corporate members are Japanese—the highest percentage in our 65-year history.
Diversity Beyond Gender: LGBT
Firms that consider the LGBT community in their initiatives stand to gain in terms of human capital and market potential.
Japan400 helped business, human ties
A prime aim of Japan400 was achieving historical resonance, in terms of both people and places, and strengthening the UK–Japan partnership.
Japan: Business as Usual
Michael Woodford MBE, formerly of Olympus Corporation, gives an exclusive interview on life after whistleblowing.
Preparing for “the Next Big One”
The UK embassy has been arranging a series of how-to events at disaster education centres around Japan.
Ching, Ching!
The use of music as a tourism hook, to attract visitors to Britain, has not yet been fully exploited.
Rate Hike Needs Careful Planning
As complexity of the tax system increases, firms will need to review their business processes to deal with the changes.
Great Year for Great Causes
We are proud to have won the award for “Best Charity & Fund Raising Cookbook–Asia”, for producing Flavours Without Borders.
YIS: A Truly International Learning Community
The close sense of community that exists at YIS is something that is frequently highlighted.
The British School in Tokyo Celebrates 25 years
Sport, music and drama are woven into the fabric of BST, and both community service and adventurous activity are real strengths.