March 2014

Japan’s Biggest Pop Star Is Not Human
Hatsune Miku, with her turquoise pigtails and schoolgirl demeanour, is the world’s first union of fabricated digital voice sporting a virtual character body.
Selling Services in Japan
You can’t touch, hear, smell, see or taste it, but please buy it! This is often the dilemma with selling services.
Governance By the Books?
The Japanese government recently participated in a corporate governance conference, and has updated its stewardship code to reflect global standards.
Time to take stock
Over the past year, our current excom has seen rising membership numbers, a boost in event attendance and a steady organic increase in online engagement.
Martin Donnelly: Innovation and Diversity
Innovative firms in the UK have grown nearly twice as fast as those that are not introducing new products, ideas or processes.
History in the making
This 350-page publication masterfully examines the process by which Japan developed from a feudal society into a national state.
Fur Pets’ Sake
Animals being left without food or water represent a man-made catastrophe.
Making the Cut
The classic 1974 gangster film The Yakuza first piqued Paul Martin's interest in Japanese martial arts and history.
Risk Communication Three Years after
Science communication has been identified as a key area where Britain can share its expertise with Japan.
Insights Incite Action
A Tokyo-based advertising agency has produced two online commercials that yielded great success for its clients.
no fluoride, no problem
In this world of probiotics, saliva tests and fancy electric/ultrasonic toothbrushes, I still believe in good old manual brushing.
Global View of Progress
Original thinking is just what Japan requires as it strives to emerge from a long, painful recession.
Stormy Weather
What more will it take to persuade people that if we continue to treat our planet as we do currently, it will soon be too late?
Powerhouse of the UK economy
Official statistics reveal that the UK’s creative industries are now worth £71.4bn per year to the domestic economy.
Passing the Test of Time
When Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher opened the British School in Tokyo, even the Iron Lady could never have envisaged the world 25 years later.
Inside the mind of a magazine designer
I’m delighted to welcome our gifted Creative Director Cliff Cardona to share with us his wisdom on the much-anticipated redesign of BCCJ ACUMEN.
Going swimmingly
Business is buoyant in Japan for the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC), with the UK's governing body for underwater activities playing on its Britishness.
New Tohoku
As we mark the third anniversary of the disaster, it is clear that Britons have had a huge impact on recovery and reconstruction in the Tohoku region.
The future is clear
With a new product line, renovated packaging and other developments, Unilever Japan is on track to achieve its 2020 goals.
news in brief
Your monthly digest of UK-Japan media reports
New brewpub in Asakusa
A British-style pub has opened in one of Tokyo’s most historical districts.
Football group marks decade
The British Football Academy celebrates 10 years in Tokyo this year.
Cosmetics brand debuts abroad
Japan’s top-selling men’s hair wax is now available in London stores.
N. Ireland plant expands
Japanese-owned Ryobi Aluminium Casting (UK) Limited has announced a £32mn investment in its Northern Ireland plant.
Engage your staff
A 2013 survey has revealed that only 9% of employees in Japan are highly engaged.
UK arts events in Japan